2024 National Chapter in Brisbane – Australian Priory

The Australian Grand Priory of the Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem


This is about the Grand Priory of Australia, a Jurisdiction of the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem under the governance of the Grand Master, His Excellency Don Francisco de Borbon, Graf von Hardenberg GCLJ(J), 50th Grand Master. The Grand Prior of the Grand Priory in Australia is The Hon. Chevalier Gavin Fielding AM GCLJ GCMLJ. The Order of Saint Lazarus is an Order of Chivalry. It is wholly Christian, ecumenical, and has Christian unity as an objective. Its members are committed to seek to live their lives with strength, simplicity, and charity in a manner that embodies the Christian spirit that has enlivened the Order for nearly a thousand years. The Order is, in part, a Hospitaller Order and so its objective will always be that members serve to alleviate the plight of the sick and poor, whether they suffer a deficiency in spiritual or physical health or poverty of means to live with dignity. The Order is, in part, a Military Order and so each office-bearer undertakes the duties allotted and becomes the officer primarily responsible for their fulfilment earning the support and active assistance of fellow members.


For a brochure describing what we do click here:

 OLJ Brochure copy

To download the latest version of our newsletter, please click here:

2024_07 Lazarus Letter


Here is an easy-to-read history of our Order

St Lazarus history Charles George


Members gathered at the 2024 National Chapter of the Order held in Brisbane  2- 5 May 2024.

Photographs of the services and other events are now available for members to download in the Members’ Only section.

Calendar of Events


National Chapter 1 – 5 May 2025 in Sydney.


South Australia

The South Australian Commandery contributes to a range of causes, preferring to focus on areas of need that attract little or no Government funding.  Examples include Puddle Jumpers assisting needy children and families with food and support, Ukrainians in SA assisting the housing and support for those displaced by the invasion of Ukraine, Cure 4 CF supporting research for Cystic Fibrosis, Magdalene Centre Dinners feeding the homeless and needy.

Upcoming Events in SA

For information please contact the SA Commandery Secretary at sasecretaryolj@outlook.com



Anniversary Book


The Australian Grand Priory has published a book recording the history of the Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem in Australia from its earliest years until the present day.

Click here for an overview of the history of the Australian Grand Priory: OLJ Green Book History Blurb

Click here for an order form to buy the book: OLJ Order Form Green Cross Book